Supporting young people to set up enterprises with social impact and self-employment is one of the main and important pillars of the YOUR JOB program. The overall goal of this component is to strengthen the entrepreneurial skills of young people, encourage the development of entrepreneurial initiatives that have the potential to positively influence youth self-employment and generate positive social, economic and / or environmental impact in a way financially stable.
Influenced by the situation created from COVID-19, YourJob Albania has started preparations for the organization of Boot Camp later than planned in the program. The application is implemented through the completion of a questionnaire (standardized format) by young people, manually in the Counseling Center or Online via Google-Form. The online format has been distributed on the project’s social networks, the pages of Caritas Albania and Caritas Diocesan, in order to invite as many young people as possible to participate in this activity. Applications were open for 5 weeks, reaching a total of 104 applications from all project areas: Shkodra, Lezha, Kurbin and Kamza.
After completion of the applications, their evaluation was carried out by the management-coordinating staff, individually for each application, through the scoring system, giving importance to components such as: lack of education, unemployment, marginalized groups, and clear and realistic ideas for business. At the end of the evaluation, 24 applications were selected for the first phase of Boot-Camp. This group of young people will be part of the first Boot-Camp which will be organized during the end of July, in a mountainous tourist area so that young people feel relaxed, motivated and focused on the intense days of the first preparatory phase to social enterprises through grants.