External Evaluation Expert

SOCIETIES – Support Of CSOs In Empowering Technical Skills, Inclusion of people with disabilities and EU standards in South East Europe
Caritas Serbia and 15 Partners created a partnership in the project “SOCIETIES – Support of CSOs in Empowering Technical skills, Inclusion of people with disabilities and EU standards in South East Europe” that was approved by the European Union, represented by European Commission.
The Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2014-2015, under which the SOCIETIES project has been adopted by the European Commission in December 2015, with the objective to strengthen participatory democracies and the EU integration process in the Western Balkans and Turkey by empowering civil society to actively take part in decision making and by stimulating an enabling legal and financial environment for civil society and pluralistic media. The final aim is to strengthen their capacities to advocate and effectively dialogue with Governments in order to influence policy and decision making processes, and to produce lasting change in the society.
The project started on the 1st January 2016 and will last 48 months (until 31.12.2019)
Overall objective of the Action is to improve the capacities of CSOs in South East Europe (SEE) in managing social inclusion processes and in promoting social inclusion policies, through an efficient dialogue with Public Authorities during the decision-making processes.
Specific objective 1: to strengthen the CSOs’ skills in promoting the social inclusion of people with disabilities and mental disorders: capacity building, exchange of knowledge, regional networking, managing of social inclusion initiatives and services, monitoring and evaluating of the social impact.

Specific objective 2: to foster the CSOs’ capacities in the dialogue with the Pubic Authorities responsible for social inclusion: strategic and communication planning, advocacy, local networking, participation to decision making processes.
Target groups:
5 IPA beneficiary countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo*
• 50 grass-roots CSOs from South East Europe (SEE) empowered, with 200 CSOs members trained.
• 10 national Public Authorities; 25 local Public Authorities; 100 Public Servants at national and local levels involved.

Final beneficiaries:
• Persons with disabilities (PWDs) and mental disorders benefiting of new social inclusion policies (among them: 500 beneficiaries of services and initiatives promoted by the CSOs).
• Civil societies in SEE sensitized

Estimated results:
Result 1.1 CSOs empowered in promoting social inclusion processes for people with disabilities and mental disorders.
Result 1.2 Efficiency of CSOs initiatives for social inclusion increased, being based on proper evaluation of the social impact of the initiatives.
Result 1.3 Regional CSOs network for social inclusion regularly fostering exchange of practices & experiences.
Result 2.1 CSOs empowered in: participation on decision-making processes, advocating for social inclusion process, fund-raising strategies, and communication.
Result 2.2 The quality and the efficiency of the dialogue on social policies between CSOs and Public authorities is increased.

Required service:
The general purpose of the external evaluation is to get independent assessment of the project activities, participants’ satisfaction on the implemented activities (through an evaluation questionnaire), results of the project and the methodology applied in the meaning of: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and determining the impact of the project on the target groups.

Guideline Questions

• To what extent are the objectives of the project still valid for the partner countries, the partner organizations and the beneficiaries?
• Are the expected results/outputs of the project consistent with the outcome, immediate impact and overall goal/impact?
• To what extent did the project achieve its outcome(s) or will be likely to achieve it/them?
• To what extent did the project achieve its expected results/outputs or will be likely to achieve them?
• What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the outcome(s)/expected results/outputs? (Also consider any which were possibly beyond the control of the project)
• Was the project managed as planned? If not, what issues occurred and why?
• To what extent have all project stakeholders collaborated as planned?
• Did the project contribute to capacity building as planned?
• If applicable, to what extent will the benefits of the project continue after the withdrawal of the donor?
• If applicable, if some of project activities continue, will they be integrated in local structures and/or funded by other sources?
• What were the major factors which influenced the achievement or non-achievement of sustainability of the project?
• If applicable, what needs to be done and/or improved to ensure sustainability?

Expected output of the evaluation should be a printed document in English language.
• The final report should contain at least following chapters:
a. Executive summary
b. Introduction and background intervention
c. Principles of evaluation and definition of open issues related to the evaluation
d. The methodology by phases of evaluation
e. The design of the project (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact, conclusions)
f. Indicators of implementation (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact, conclusions)
g. Conclusion and recommendations related to the design of the project (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact, conclusions)
h. Conclusions and recommendations related to the implementation of the project (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact, conclusions))
i. Conclusions related to general management of the project (project management)
All of the above mentioned must be submitted in electronic version as well.

1. Desk research – all existing articles and materials related to the subject as well as the information resulting from implementation of the project.
2. Analysis of the documents submitted by SOCIETIES implementing partners
3. Field visits to minimum 3 implementing countries
4. Interviews with all 5 local coordinators, 2 experts, minimum 1 partner per country, 1 sub-grantee per country, 1 CSO representative participating in the training programme/study visit etc.

Location and duration
Starting date: 25 November 2019
Finishing date of the assignment: 25 February 2020
Location of assignment: Fieldwork and expert’s office

Expert(s)’ profile
Criteria, qualifications and experiences:
 Proven professional experience in evaluation process and monitoring process of EU funded.
 Excellent English language and reporting skills.
Conditions for the service:
 Availability to complete the required service within the specified timeframe.
 Maintain the confidentiality of data that may be generated or disclosed during the provision of required service.

The successful candidate should also
• Provide proven track record in conducting external evaluation
• Send his/her CV to email address: marina.kostic@caritas.rs
• Prepare and submit cost framework

Deadline for applications: 18 November 2019

Payment conditions
The total budget available for the service is 8000 EUR gross amount (VAT excluded).
The offered price of the Service provider must include appropriate costs incurred during carrying out the assignment (travel expenses, food, accommodation, etc.).
No price revision is allowed.
The payment will be made in one instalment based on the signed service contract or invoice of the service provider.