

If you are wondering what a business is, I am sure many of you know how to respond. But if you are wondering what a social business is, you probably won't know how to explain it. When you think of business and what it means, you think of the money, the economic revenue that comes [...]


Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) is an agreement with the purpose for collaboration and interaction in providing common services in the interest of preparing and advising the youth on the labor market of the area where it is being implemented the project. During January 2020 the Guidance Counselor of Lezha held a series of preliminary meetings [...]


Based on 2011 Census, in Albania the youth (ages 15-29) unemployment rate was 21.9%. A considerable part of them in 63% are unemployed for a long time, which consist in a higher rate than in any EU country and requires special attention. Researches have concluded that the duration of unemployment in young people has negative [...]

ONLINE counseling

Corona Virus disease has paralyzed almost all human activities and life, worldwide. This has certainly affected our work in providing services to youth, in career counseling, soft or life skills training, or various meetings we had with institutions for collaborations. Since our work influences mediation, socialization, and collaboration, it brings many people together to get [...]

Buletin Informativ 2

Buletin Informativ 2 i realizuar në kuadër të projektit Your Job “Youth Overcoming Unemployment Regionally through Job Opportunities on the Balkans”. Buletini përmban kryesisht artikuj me tematike “Bashkëpunimi me Shkollat” të zhvilluara nga të gjitha vendet partnere në projekt.                         ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ https://drive.google.com/open?id=12aRlTKm-OYhAYWhCJ4WjF7Y7a45cVd0p


When asked to define communication, how would you define? Mostly of people will relate to the forms of communication as talking or listening. But communication goes beyond that, is how we give and receive information and convey our ideas and opinions with those around us. If I say something and you understand something else, is [...]


During job interviews of employment applications, employers base their assessment on two sets of skills: Hard Skills and Soft Skills. To be successful in interviewing for a job, you need to show the best of both set of skills. Hard Skills are teachable abilities or skills that are easy to quantify, including degree, certificate, computer, [...]

Buletin Informativ Nr. 1 – Your Job

PROJEKTI YOUR JOB      Në kuadër të projektit YOUR JOB - Youth Overcoming Unemployment Regionally through Job Opportunities on the Balkans, i cili po zbatohet në Shqipëri (Kurbin, Lezhë), është realizuar edicioni i parë i Buletinit Informativ. Buletini përmban artikuj të ndryshëm gjatë aktiviteteve të realizuara nga projekti jo vetëm në Shqipëri por edhe në vendet [...]

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